Andy Bassett

 Position: Business Owner

My team are passionate about helping you achieve your goals. Make sure you sing out if you’re looking for some guidance and support.

Motto: “Success is piece of mind in knowing you have done your best” - Coach Wooden



Darcy Turner

Position: Manager

Qualifications: Certificate IV Community Services Cert III Individual Support Cert III & IV Tertiary Preparation

Motto: There is no failure - you either win or you learn


Jessica Browne

 Position: Assistant Manager/Learn To Swim Manager

Motto: No one is you - that’s your superpower!

Danella Clark

 Position: Group Fitness Manager

Qualifications: Cert III & IV Fitness, Bachelor of Human Movement, Les Mills Qualified

Classes: Body Pump, Body Attack, Body Step, Yoga Fit, Total Sculpt, Blast n’ Burn, Box n’ Burn & X-Trainer

Motto: A set back is a set up for a come back!

Megan Clissold

Position: Assistant Manager/Gymnastics Manager

Motto: Just Keep Chipping Away

Emma Murphy

Position: Management Systems Administration

Qualifications: Certificate III in Group Fitness Training, Certificate IV in Personal Training, Diploma of Nutrition and Dietetics & Austswim Qualified

Motto: If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you